Tag Archives: artillery

Alfred Gould, a bit more…

So i’m looking first into Alfred’s Company and what they were doing when he got his mention. Looks like people have a little trouble with searching artillery stuff, if they aren’t accustomed to it.

He was in the Royal Horse and Field Artillery, C company of the 302nd. The other letters after that on the certificate are bde.r.f.a (t.f). Hmm…acronym search methinks…..could be, according to the Internet, ‘bus driver error’ or ‘best daughter ever’ but I’m going with ‘Brigade’. 302nd Brigade then. I’m going with r.f.a being Royal Field Artillery. T.F appears to be ‘Territorial Force’. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_Force). Good old people’s encyclopaedia.

It suggests Alfred might have been a reserve solider before WW1. We’re after a lot more of them in 2013! He may have been better prepared for war than the average Tommy off the street.
The artillery numbered their units with Roman Numerals I found out after Google wasn’t helpful when I looked for 302nd Brigade.

So I looked at CCCII (after Google told me what 302 was in old money). Really good information from the http://www.1914-1918.net website…..
CCCII……Territorial Force 2nd Line…..60th Division from formation in February 1915 until November 1918….. Originally designated 2/7th London Brigade.

So now I can work out where he came from…….

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Alfred Gould, mentioned in dispatches. Part One.

Today I put up some pictures at a neighbours house. I help her with a job or two from time to time, she gives us excellent cake in return. A system we are all very happy with.

One of the pictures was this fella, Alfred Gould. Another item to hang was his ‘Mention in Dispatches’ from World War One. A mention usually of a brave act.

It’s signed by the then Secretary of State for war, Winston Churchill.

I thought I’d do a bit of research into Alfred’s circumstances, how he got recognised for his actions.

That’s something to keep me busy…..


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